Come and be captivated
There's an awful lot in life that captivates us. But all that glitters is not gold. If we really understood the beauty of God's person, the power of the Scriptures, and the hope and freedom of the Gospel, we'd have a more singular focus for sure.
So come join us for Winter Bible School 2025 and be captivated again by what really matters.
"The more I do Bible study, in this kind of setting, the more I get excited about it. The way WBS does it is in a way that brings things to life, and it gives me so much more confidence moving forward in understanding the Bible myself and knowing how to apply it in my own daily walk."
Jared Riseborough
"The best news ever: God has spoken to us and told us everything we ever need to know and it's all on record in the scriptures... inerrant, inspired and life-transforming! If you're keen to know the mind of God and grow your faith in Him, WBS is a smart investment."
Geoff Smith
"From my first experience of WBS back in 2017 I quickly saw the immense benefit of placing yourself under those that have carefully and thoroughly studied the word of God. Ever since, I have put time aside to attend in full every WBS on offer and always come away refreshed, encouraged, and excited for the things of God and in that time my faith and my ability to study the Bible myself have grown rapidly."